Interested in Contributing to research?


Apply to become a research assistant (RA)

Data is fundamental to all science. It is the raw material from which new knowledge is forged. RAs primarily contribute to science by helping us collect, organize, and code data.

benefits of becoming an RA

  • Make a meaningful contribution to psychological research

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the field of psychology

  • Gain research experience for applying to graduate school

  • Build relationships with other students and faculty

who can apply

Students enrolled at the University of Texas at Arlington may apply to the lab to be considered as an RA. Unfortunately, at this time we cannot accommodate non-UTA students as RAs. Prior experience in psychology and research methods is helpful, but not required. GPA above 3.3 preferred. Spots are competitive.

info about ra positions

  • RA positions last for one complete fall semester or one complete spring semester.

  • RAs must enroll in 2 or 3 credit hours of PSYC 4281 (Research in Psychology) to work in the lab.

  • RAs must commit to working 6 - 9 hours per week in the lab (depending on number of credit hours).

  • In-person attendance at monthly one-hour seminar classes is mandatory (4 per semester).

  • RA positions are unpaid.


*This is an application to participate in the PELICAN lab only. Students who are interested in applying to one of UTA’s academic degree programs should visit the psychology department website.